Making Memories – Avoid the Common Holiday Pitfalls
Make sure your holiday is one to remember, for all the right reasons, by ensuring that you have taken all the necessary measures to avoid the common holiday pitfalls.
Hamilton Island (Queensland, Australia) – A Getaway You Dreamed Of
Cold winter? Hot summer? Looking for a getaway? Hamilton Island is one of awesome options. Read about its real experience!
And the Winner of June Contest “The Best Place to Visit in Australia” Is…
And the Winner of June Contest "The Best Place to Visit in Australia" Is…
[Photo Tip] How To Approach People To Take a Photo of Them
From my experience people in streets do not like to be photographed. They can become angry very easy! But I like photographing people in streets.
Photo Loss: How To Prevent Losing Photos in Memory Card
I was reading something photo related recently and some simple photo tips on how to prevent photo loss in a photo camera came to my attention.
Mapnificent and Mapumental – How Far and Quickly Public Transport Can Take You...
Mapnificent and Mapumental is fun interactive tools that helps to understand how quickly you can get to places on public transport
The BIG Things Tour Around Australia – Itinerary
Some time ago I wrote about amazing guys who traveled across Australia on a trike visiting all BIG things. One trike, 2 adults, and 2 kids!
From Melbourne to Coober Pedy – Part 3 – Ready, Steady, Go!
After all planning and moral preparation was done for our Easter Coober Pedy Trip, the Day X of departure was about to start.
What can happen 5 minutes before your trip is about to begin if you have cats ;-)
From Melbourne to Coober Pedy – Part 2 – Be Prepared!
This story is one of the “Easter Trip from Melbourne to Coober Pedy” fun travel stories
So prepare for a chance of a lifetime
Be prepared...
From Melbourne to Coober Pedy Trip – Links to all story parts
Everything was above my expectations!
I thought it will be: dry air, hot, sand, dust, boring, reds and yellows only. Nothing like that!
Fresh air, all shades of green, mixture of other colors, interesting town, amazing views, you name it :-)