Backpacking Europe is a great pastime that people look forward to year after year. The allure of seeing sights both new and old, sharing new experiences with friends and family, getting exercise, and experiencing the outdoors is truly a wonderful thing. Between planning and packing for such a trip, though, the expense can run pretty high. Don’t be put off taking on this venture as payday loans can offer additional funds to allow you to fulfill your dreams. If you plan and spend money wisely, though, you can certainly save money on the excursion and still have the same great experience. Follow this blog to backpack Europe without the expense.
Buy Inexpensive Gear or Borrow
As with any purchase, always shop around before you buy. Look for sales, shop online, find discounts in the stores, or buy used gear. It might be difficult to purchase a backpack online without having tried one on since they often only work for certain body types. If you do want to purchase online with an unbeatable deal you found, however, you might be able to try the pack on in the store and then buy it online. Many online retailers also offer good exchange rates if the pack doesn’t work for you. When you shop, you might consider shopping for your gear in the backpacking off season, which coincides with the coldest months of the year. Because people aren’t buying their gear as often between the months of December and February, you’ll likely be able to get a great deal on some gear during that time.
Another option is a second-hand store where you can purchase used gear at a much lower price. If you go this route, make sure to thoroughly inspect the gear for any holes, defects, or other issues you don’t want to contend with on the excursion. Finally, if you don’t want to buy gear at all, consider asking to borrow a friend’s pack or other travel necessities; even if they can’t give you everything you need, you might be able to at least get a few items on loan to cut your costs.
Go Backpacking at the Right Times
Summer months – or at least the warmer ones, with more stable climates – between May and August are the busiest times for backpacking. So why not start your trip either earlier or later than those months? You might be contending with wetter or cooler weather depending on when you travel, but it might worth it because you’ll have fewer crowds to contend with on the trails and at your destinations, prices will be cheaper due to lower demand, and you might even find the different temperatures to your liking – perhaps not the rain, but the cooler weather. If you have the flexibility to travel when you can, you might just find that the “off season” for backpacking might be more of an “on season” for you.
Plan Ahead by Planning Less
It sounds unconventional to plan less, but that’s just what you might want to do to save more money. If you book all of your nights in advance at hostels down the trail, for example, but get to a destination, but want to spend a few extra days and nights there, you’ll have to forfeit the bookings at later, more distant hostels. In this case, you might have to forfeit the cost of other reservations, too, depending on what you had planned and how much you want to change your plans last minute. It might be slightly more expensive if you book all of your reservations as you go, but the peace of mind that you get with the freedom to do what you want will be more relaxing overall and might even save you more money in the long run.
Photo by: TripNotice