Tullamarine Airport Aircraft Viewing Area

Tullamarine Airport Aircraft Viewing Area

... And you know what? Near the road there was a special place called... "Aircraft Viewing Area"! Wow :) That was cool! Thanks to guys who thought about us, ordinary people eager after unusual things! :-)

Canberra, the Very First Impression – Part 3 – Weather. University of Canberra. What’s...

In winter the weather is stable. -1 at night and +10 at noon. The sky is blue and the sun is there. Not many clouds, and when they cover the sun it becomes chilly very quickly. So everybody wears proper wear. It is rather easy to have it a proper way when the weather is chilly almost all the time.
Road near Uluru- Ayers Rock - Australia travel - Outback

Discover The Beauty Of Australia With A Road Trip

There are few places on Earth that are as spellbinding as the island continent of Australia. Some of the most interesting and unique animals in the world are found on this island nation. A vacation to Australia is one of the most unique experiences anyone could ever undergo and driving across the entire continent is an experience like no other. See one of possible itineraries.

Canberra, the Very First Impression – Part 2 – Driving on Canberra Roads. A...

In Melbourne there is a saying "Get lost in Melbourne". I think it literally happens when you are in Canberra. There are so many roundabouts (called "circles" by some Canberrians) that your head starts going round very quickly.
Melbourne Bars - Section8 Bar

The Hidden Bars of Melbourne

Many of the best bars in Melbourne are intimate watering holes tucked away in the shadows of side streets or nestled on the rooftops of businesses. These hidden gems may be difficult to find, but navigating the maze of streets and asking for directions from nearby residents will be worth the trouble when the weary traveler is rewarded with some of the best drinks available in the city. Here are some of the top bars kept secret in the streets of Melbourne.

Trip to Antarctica for.. playing harp music

Have you ever thought about going to Antarctica? What would you do there if you would go? Glaciers, icebergs, penguins, white white white… something breathtaking. Many of...
Kangaroo Next 4 km - Australian road sign on a country road

The Do’s and Don’ts of an Aussie Road Trip

Taking a road trip across Australia can be one of the biggest adventures of your life, just keep a few tips in mind to be sure you arrive home safely.

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