Travel will change you like you’ve never been changed before.
Henry Rollins has given an awesome interview to “World Hum”. You can find it here: Interview with Henry Rollins: Punk Rock World Traveler
Here are awesome travel bits that inspired us a lot!
Kenya was the first place I landed. The first thing you see when you come out of the cloud cover is this herd of zebra moving out of your way. You land in a small plane and you disturb the zebra. So they all run. My mind was completely blown. It was basically weeks of that. Like, look out for the elephant! Don’t let the monkeys get into your tent!
The way Henry approaches people in different countries is just awesome!
I go through souks and bazaars and stores. People come up and ask, “My friend, what are you doing here?” My icebreaker is, “I’m here to meet you.” Which is true, and also sometimes cracks them up. They say, “Me?” I say, “Oh yeah, man, I’m Henry, what’s happening?”
Do you think it’s a good approach? Would you use it yourself?
I beg young people to travel. If you don’t have a passport, get one. Take a summer, get a backpack and go to Delhi, go to Saigon, go to Bangkok, go to Kenya. Have your mind blown. Eat interesting food. Dig some interesting people. Have an adventure. Be careful. Come back and you’re going to see your country differently, you’re going to see your president differently, no matter who it is. Music, culture, food, water. Your showers will become shorter. You’re going to get a sense of what globalization looks like. It’s not what Tom Friedman writes about; I’m sorry. You’re going to see that global climate change is very real. And that for some people, their day consists of walking 12 miles for four buckets of water. And so there are lessons that you can’t get out of a book that are waiting for you at the other end of that flight. A lot of people – Americans and Europeans -come back and go, ohhhhh. And the light bulb goes on.
This is what fellow travellers responded and we are fully agree with them:
- Travel will change you like you’ve never been changed before. You will not be the same person you were.
- Traveling helps reduce overall stress, it brings family and friends closer together and it helps you see your every day life in a whole new perspective. Traveling is definitely healthy. Even if it is a getaway on a budget.
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Photo: “Views of Machu Picchu tours © Matthew Barker, Peru For Less 2009″