Tiger - wildlife travel - camping danger

Most Common Dangers When Camping

Camping is an exiting experience and brings humans closer to nature. Especially for children, as it is a very nice experience during which they will have fun and learn many things. In fact it is possible to organise outdoor activities and games to make it even more fun for children. That’s why parents let their kids join scout associations, which are known to be camp-friendly. However camping is not only about fun, as it is also about responsibility and awareness. In fact, it is important to be aware that dangers and risks are present in this kind of activity. Once you know what the possible dangers are you will be able to avoid them and to teach your child/children to do the same. Here are the most common dangers of camping and safety precautions to prevent them.
Australia wildlife: blue-eyed koala

Your Guide to Australian Wildlife

There's more to Australia than sun, surf and sand. If you're looking for the chance to see some exciting and exotic animals on your gap year, Australia is a great choice of destination. Here's a quick look at some of the most interesting animals that you can find in Australia.

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