Two things I like – sunset and, my new joy, HDR Photography.

Sometimes sunset brings colours and images you could never imagine! It is something incredible and breathtaking.

I think sunset is beautiful at any place on Earth! At a beach, in mountains, and even from your house window :)

Sunset in HDR Photography - Go For Fun - Australian Travel and Activity Community

Sunset in HDR Photography - Go For Fun - Australian Travel and Activity Community

How to capture and “explain” what you see and what you feel?
It is not easy. Not easy if you are a very amateur photographer (I’m talking about myself!) :-D
But if you want, everything is possible!

Just practice, practice and practice!

Sunsets… thanks to mother nature we will have them enough! And as a good model they always be there, awaiting for being watched and appreciated!

Sunset in HDR Photography - Go For Fun - Australian Travel and Activity Community

Sunset in HDR Photography - Go For Fun - Australian Travel and Activity Community

Do You Know?

Sunset and Sunrise Colours

As a ray of white sunlight travels through the atmosphere to an observer, some of the colors are scattered out of the beam by air molecules and airborne particles, changing the final color of the beam the viewer sees.

Because the shorter wavelength components, such as blue and green, scatter more strongly, these colors are preferentially removed from the beam.

At sunrise and sunset, when the path through the atmosphere is longer, the blue and green components are removed almost completely leaving the longer wavelength orange and red hues we see at those times. The remaining reddened sunlight can then be scattered by cloud droplets and other relatively large particles to light up the horizon red and orange.

Mie scattering (Yes, sounds very scientific! :-D)

Mie scattering is responsible for the light scattered by clouds, and also for the daytime halo of white light around the sun (forward scattering of white light). Without Mie scattering at sunset and sunrise, the sky along the horizon has only a dull-reddish appearance, while the rest of the sky remains mostly blue and sometimes green.

Difference in colours

Sunset colors are typically more brilliant than sunrise colors, because the evening air contains more particles than morning air.

Green Flash

Sometimes just before sunrise or after sunset a green flash can be seen.


Sunset in HDR Photography - Go For Fun - Australian Travel and Activity Community

Have a great and a warm day tomorrow!
Well, may be not that “warm” as it was today in Melbourne, +35C :-D

Do you like sunsets or sunrise more?
Do you have any favourite spot that you would visit and visit again to watch sunrise or a sunset? ;-)

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Go For Fun: Travel, Sailing, Photography ~ Inspiration, Tips, Adventures ~ Australia and The World! Natalie is a Russian-Australian girl with a sunshine smile. Her main passion are: Travelling, Sailing, Photography, Drawing, and Cats! Since visiting Antarctica, she fell in love with that place, with the ocean, and sailing. It changed her life forever. She plans to sail the Atlantic Ocean and one day to sail to Antarctica. Follow Natalie for travel inspiration, destinations and advice, and her adventures! Natalie's another project is Ozzi Cat: